1738 | Find Kth Largest XOR Coordinate Value | Medium |
1753 | Maximum Score From Removing Stones | Medium |
1776 | Car Fleet II | Hard |
1786 | Number of Restricted Paths From First to Last Node | Medium |
1792 | Maximum Average Pass Ratio | Medium |
1801 | Number of Orders in the Backlog | Medium |
1825 | Finding MK Average | Hard |
1834 | Single-Threaded CPU | Medium |
1845 | Seat Reservation Manager | Medium |
1851 | Minimum Interval to Include Each Query | Hard |
1878 | Get Biggest Three Rhombus Sums in a Grid | Medium |
1882 | Process Tasks Using Servers | Medium |
1912 | Design Movie Rental System | Hard |
1942 | The Number of the Smallest Unoccupied Chair | Medium |
1962 | Remove Stones to Minimize the Total | Medium |
1985 | Find the Kth Largest Integer in the Array | Medium |
2034 | Stock Price Fluctuation | Medium |
2054 | Two Best Non-Overlapping Events | Medium |
2099 | Find Subsequence of Length K With the Largest Sum | Easy |
2102 | Sequentially Ordinal Rank Tracker | Hard |
2146 | K Highest Ranked Items Within a Price Range | Medium |
2163 | Minimum Difference in Sums After Removal of Elements | Hard |
2182 | Construct String With Repeat Limit | Medium |
2208 | Minimum Operations to Halve Array Sum | Medium |
2231 | Largest Number After Digit Swaps by Parity | Easy |
2233 | Maximum Product After K Increments | Medium |
2285 | Maximum Total Importance of Roads | Medium |
2290 | Minimum Obstacle Removal to Reach Corner | Hard |
2333 | Minimum Sum of Squared Difference | Medium |
2335 | Minimum Amount of Time to Fill Cups | Easy |