973 | K Closest Points to Origin | Medium |
1046 | Last Stone Weight | Easy |
1054 | Distant Barcodes | Medium |
1094 | Car Pooling | Medium |
1172 | Dinner Plate Stacks | Hard |
1263 | Minimum Moves to Move a Box to Their Target Location | Hard |
1338 | Reduce Array Size to The Half | Medium |
1353 | Maximum Number of Events That Can Be Attended | Medium |
1354 | Construct Target Array With Multiple Sums | Hard |
1368 | Minimum Cost to Make at Least One Valid Path in a Grid | Hard |
1383 | Maximum Performance of a Team | Hard |
1388 | Pizza With 3n Slices | Hard |
1405 | Longest Happy String | Medium |
1424 | Diagonal Traverse II | Medium |
1425 | Constrained Subsequence Sum | Hard |
1438 | Longest Continuous Subarray With Absolute Diff Less Than or Equal to Limit | Medium |
1439 | Find the Kth Smallest Sum of a Matrix With Sorted Rows | Hard |
1464 | Maximum Product of Two Elements in an Array | Easy |
1488 | Avoid Flood in The City | Medium |
1499 | Max Value of Equation | Hard |
1514 | Path with Maximum Probability | Medium |
1606 | Find Servers That Handled Most Number of Requests | Hard |
1631 | Path With Minimum Effort | Medium |
1642 | Furthest Building You Can Reach | Medium |
1648 | Sell Diminishing-Valued Colored Balls | Medium |
1675 | Minimize Deviation in Array | Hard |
1686 | Stone Game VI | Medium |
1687 | Delivering Boxes from Storage to Ports | Hard |
1696 | Jump Game VI | Medium |
1705 | Maximum Number of Eaten Apples | Medium |