2576 | Find the Maximum Number of Marked Indices | Medium |
2578 | Split With Minimum Sum | Easy |
2587 | Rearrange Array to Maximize Prefix Score | Medium |
2589 | Minimum Time to Complete All Tasks | Hard |
2591 | Distribute Money to Maximum Children | Easy |
2592 | Maximize Greatness of an Array | Medium |
2598 | Smallest Missing Non-negative Integer After Operations | Medium |
2600 | K Items With the Maximum Sum | Easy |
2601 | Prime Subtraction Operation | Medium |
2611 | Mice and Cheese | Medium |
2616 | Minimize the Maximum Difference of Pairs | Medium |
2645 | Minimum Additions to Make Valid String | Medium |
2656 | Maximum Sum With Exactly K Elements | Easy |
2659 | Make Array Empty | Hard |
2663 | Lexicographically Smallest Beautiful String | Hard |
2673 | Make Costs of Paths Equal in a Binary Tree | Medium |
2680 | Maximum OR | Medium |
2708 | Maximum Strength of a Group | Medium |
2712 | Minimum Cost to Make All Characters Equal | Medium |
2732 | Find a Good Subset of the Matrix | Hard |
2734 | Lexicographically Smallest String After Substring Operation | Medium |
2745 | Construct the Longest New String | Medium |
2789 | Largest Element in an Array after Merge Operations | Medium |
2790 | Maximum Number of Groups With Increasing Length | Hard |
2800 | Shortest String That Contains Three Strings | Medium |
2808 | Minimum Seconds to Equalize a Circular Array | Medium |
2811 | Check if it is Possible to Split Array | Medium |
2813 | Maximum Elegance of a K-Length Subsequence | Hard |
2818 | Apply Operations to Maximize Score | Hard |
2829 | Determine the Minimum Sum of a k-avoiding Array | Medium |