2576Find the Maximum Number of Marked IndicesMedium
2578Split With Minimum SumEasy
2587Rearrange Array to Maximize Prefix ScoreMedium
2589Minimum Time to Complete All TasksHard
2591Distribute Money to Maximum ChildrenEasy
2592Maximize Greatness of an ArrayMedium
2598Smallest Missing Non-negative Integer After OperationsMedium
2600K Items With the Maximum SumEasy
2601Prime Subtraction OperationMedium
2611Mice and CheeseMedium
2616Minimize the Maximum Difference of PairsMedium
2645Minimum Additions to Make Valid StringMedium
2656Maximum Sum With Exactly K ElementsEasy
2659Make Array EmptyHard
2663Lexicographically Smallest Beautiful StringHard
2673Make Costs of Paths Equal in a Binary TreeMedium
2680Maximum ORMedium
2708Maximum Strength of a GroupMedium
2712Minimum Cost to Make All Characters EqualMedium
2732Find a Good Subset of the MatrixHard
2734Lexicographically Smallest String After Substring OperationMedium
2745Construct the Longest New StringMedium
2789Largest Element in an Array after Merge OperationsMedium
2790Maximum Number of Groups With Increasing LengthHard
2800Shortest String That Contains Three StringsMedium
2808Minimum Seconds to Equalize a Circular ArrayMedium
2811Check if it is Possible to Split ArrayMedium
2813Maximum Elegance of a K-Length SubsequenceHard
2818Apply Operations to Maximize ScoreHard
2829Determine the Minimum Sum of a k-avoiding ArrayMedium