2646 | Minimize the Total Price of the Trips | Hard |
2648 | Generate Fibonacci Sequence | Easy |
2649 | Nested Array Generator | Medium |
2650 | Design Cancellable Function | Hard |
2651 | Calculate Delayed Arrival Time | Easy |
2652 | Sum Multiples | Easy |
2653 | Sliding Subarray Beauty | Medium |
2654 | Minimum Number of Operations to Make All Array Elements Equal to 1 | Medium |
2656 | Maximum Sum With Exactly K Elements | Easy |
2657 | Find the Prefix Common Array of Two Arrays | Medium |
2658 | Maximum Number of Fish in a Grid | Medium |
2659 | Make Array Empty | Hard |
2660 | Determine the Winner of a Bowling Game | Easy |
2661 | First Completely Painted Row or Column | Medium |
2662 | Minimum Cost of a Path With Special Roads | Medium |
2663 | Lexicographically Smallest Beautiful String | Hard |
2665 | Counter II | Easy |
2666 | Allow One Function Call | Easy |
2667 | Create Hello World Function | Easy |
2670 | Find the Distinct Difference Array | Easy |
2671 | Frequency Tracker | Medium |
2672 | Number of Adjacent Elements With the Same Color | Medium |
2673 | Make Costs of Paths Equal in a Binary Tree | Medium |
2677 | Chunk Array | Easy |
2678 | Number of Senior Citizens | Easy |
2679 | Sum in a Matrix | Medium |
2680 | Maximum OR | Medium |
2681 | Power of Heroes | Hard |
2682 | Find the Losers of the Circular Game | Easy |
2683 | Neighboring Bitwise XOR | Medium |