2025 | Maximum Number of Ways to Partition an Array | Hard |
2055 | Plates Between Candles | Medium |
2100 | Find Good Days to Rob the Bank | Medium |
2106 | Maximum Fruits Harvested After at Most K Steps | Hard |
2121 | Intervals Between Identical Elements | Medium |
2132 | Stamping the Grid | Hard |
2145 | Count the Hidden Sequences | Medium |
2171 | Removing Minimum Number of Magic Beans | Medium |
2207 | Maximize Number of Subsequences in a String | Medium |
2209 | Minimum White Tiles After Covering With Carpets | Hard |
2218 | Maximum Value of K Coins From Piles | Hard |
2222 | Number of Ways to Select Buildings | Medium |
2245 | Maximum Trailing Zeros in a Cornered Path | Medium |
2251 | Number of Flowers in Full Bloom | Hard |
2256 | Minimum Average Difference | Medium |
2270 | Number of Ways to Split Array | Medium |
2271 | Maximum White Tiles Covered by a Carpet | Medium |
2281 | Sum of Total Strength of Wizards | Hard |
2302 | Count Subarrays With Score Less Than K | Hard |
2381 | Shifting Letters II | Medium |
2382 | Maximum Segment Sum After Removals | Hard |
2389 | Longest Subsequence With Limited Sum | Easy |
2391 | Minimum Amount of Time to Collect Garbage | Medium |
2398 | Maximum Number of Robots Within Budget | Hard |
2448 | Minimum Cost to Make Array Equal | Hard |
2483 | Minimum Penalty for a Shop | Medium |
2485 | Find the Pivot Integer | Easy |
2488 | Count Subarrays With Median K | Hard |
2528 | Maximize the Minimum Powered City | Hard |
2536 | Increment Submatrices by One | Medium |