1346 | Check If N and Its Double Exist | Easy |
1349 | Maximum Students Taking Exam | Hard |
1351 | Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix | Easy |
1352 | Product of the Last K Numbers | Medium |
1353 | Maximum Number of Events That Can Be Attended | Medium |
1354 | Construct Target Array With Multiple Sums | Hard |
1356 | Sort Integers by The Number of 1 Bits | Easy |
1357 | Apply Discount Every n Orders | Medium |
1363 | Largest Multiple of Three | Hard |
1365 | How Many Numbers Are Smaller Than the Current Number | Easy |
1366 | Rank Teams by Votes | Medium |
1368 | Minimum Cost to Make at Least One Valid Path in a Grid | Hard |
1375 | Number of Times Binary String Is Prefix-Aligned | Medium |
1380 | Lucky Numbers in a Matrix | Easy |
1381 | Design a Stack With Increment Operation | Medium |
1383 | Maximum Performance of a Team | Hard |
1385 | Find the Distance Value Between Two Arrays | Easy |
1386 | Shift 2D Grid | Easy |
1386 | Cinema Seat Allocation | Medium |
1388 | Pizza With 3n Slices | Hard |
1389 | Create Target Array in the Given Order | Easy |
1390 | Four Divisors | Medium |
1391 | Check if There is a Valid Path in a Grid | Medium |
1394 | Find Lucky Integer in an Array | Easy |
1395 | Count Number of Teams | Medium |
1402 | Reducing Dishes | Hard |
1403 | Minimum Subsequence in Non-Increasing Order | Easy |
1406 | Stone Game III | Hard |
1408 | String Matching in an Array | Easy |
1409 | Queries on a Permutation With Key | Medium |