1741Find Total Time Spent by Each EmployeeEasy
1742Maximum Number of Balls in a BoxEasy
1748Sum of Unique ElementsEasy
1752Check if Array Is Sorted and RotatedEasy
1757Recyclable and Low Fat ProductsEasy
1758Minimum Changes To Make Alternating Binary StringEasy
1763Longest Nice SubstringEasy
1768Merge Strings AlternatelyEasy
1773Count Items Matching a RuleEasy
1779Find Nearest Point That Has the Same X or Y CoordinateEasy
1784Check if Binary String Has at Most One Segment of OnesEasy
1790Check if One String Swap Can Make Strings EqualEasy
1791Find Center of Star GraphEasy
1795Rearrange Products TableEasy
1796Second Largest Digit in a StringEasy
1800Maximum Ascending Subarray SumEasy
1805Number of Different Integers in a StringEasy
1812Determine Color of a Chessboard SquareEasy
1816Truncate SentenceEasy
1822Sign of the Product of an ArrayEasy
1827Minimum Operations to Make the Array IncreasingEasy
1832Check if the Sentence Is PangramEasy
1837Sum of Digits in Base KEasy
1844Replace All Digits with CharactersEasy
1848Minimum Distance to the Target ElementEasy
1854Maximum Population YearEasy
1859Sorting the SentenceEasy
1863Sum of All Subset XOR TotalsEasy
1869Longer Contiguous Segments of Ones than ZerosEasy
1873Calculate Special BonusEasy