2022Convert 1D Array Into 2D ArrayEasy
2027Minimum Moves to Convert StringEasy
2032Two Out of ThreeEasy
2037Minimum Number of Moves to Seat EveryoneEasy
2042Check if Numbers Are Ascending in a SentenceEasy
2047Number of Valid Words in a SentenceEasy
2053Kth Distinct String in an ArrayEasy
2057Smallest Index With Equal ValueEasy
2062Count Vowel Substrings of a StringEasy
2068Check Whether Two Strings are Almost EquivalentEasy
2073Time Needed to Buy TicketsEasy
2078Two Furthest Houses With Different ColorsEasy
2085Count Common Words With One OccurrenceEasy
2089Find Target Indices After Sorting ArrayEasy
2094Finding 3-Digit Even NumbersEasy
2099Find Subsequence of Length K With the Largest SumEasy
2103Rings and RodsEasy
2108Find First Palindromic String in the ArrayEasy
2114Maximum Number of Words Found in SentencesEasy
2119A Number After a Double ReversalEasy
2124Check if All A's Appears Before All B'sEasy
2129Capitalize the TitleEasy
2133Check if Every Row and Column Contains All NumbersEasy
2138Divide a String Into Groups of Size kEasy
2144Minimum Cost of Buying Candies With DiscountEasy
2148Count Elements With Strictly Smaller and Greater ElementsEasy
2154Keep Multiplying Found Values by TwoEasy
2160Minimum Sum of Four Digit Number After Splitting DigitsEasy
2164Sort Even and Odd Indices IndependentlyEasy
2169Count Operations to Obtain ZeroEasy