2185Counting Words With a Given PrefixEasy
2186Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram IIMedium
2193Minimum Number of Moves to Make PalindromeHard
2194Cells in a Range on an Excel SheetEasy
2207Maximize Number of Subsequences in a StringMedium
2209Minimum White Tiles After Covering With CarpetsHard
2211Count Collisions on a RoadMedium
2213Longest Substring of One Repeating CharacterHard
2222Number of Ways to Select BuildingsMedium
2223Sum of Scores of Built StringsHard
2224Minimum Number of Operations to Convert TimeEasy
2227Encrypt and Decrypt StringsHard
2232Minimize Result by Adding Parentheses to ExpressionMedium
2243Calculate Digit Sum of a StringEasy
2246Longest Path With Different Adjacent CharactersHard
2255Count Prefixes of a Given StringEasy
2259Remove Digit From Number to Maximize ResultEasy
2262Total Appeal of A StringHard
2264Largest 3-Same-Digit Number in StringEasy
2266Count Number of TextsMedium
2269Find the K-Beauty of a NumberEasy
2273Find Resultant Array After Removing AnagramsEasy
2278Percentage of Letter in StringEasy
2283Check if Number Has Equal Digit Count and Digit ValueEasy
2284Sender With Largest Word CountMedium
2287Rearrange Characters to Make Target StringEasy
2288Apply Discount to PricesMedium
2296Design a Text EditorHard
2299Strong Password Checker IIEasy
2301Match Substring After ReplacementHard