2531Make Number of Distinct Characters EqualMedium
2546Apply Bitwise Operations to Make Strings EqualMedium
2559Count Vowel Strings in RangesMedium
2564Substring XOR QueriesMedium
2565Subsequence With the Minimum ScoreHard
2573Find the String with LCPHard
2575Find the Divisibility Array of a StringMedium
2586Count the Number of Vowel Strings in RangeEasy
2606Find the Substring With Maximum CostMedium
2609Find the Longest Balanced Substring of a Binary StringEasy
2645Minimum Additions to Make Valid StringMedium
2663Lexicographically Smallest Beautiful StringHard
2678Number of Senior CitizensEasy
2696Minimum String Length After Removing SubstringsEasy
2697Lexicographically Smallest PalindromeEasy
2707Extra Characters in a StringMedium
2710Remove Trailing Zeros From a StringEasy
2712Minimum Cost to Make All Characters EqualMedium
2716Minimize String LengthEasy
2719Count of IntegersHard
2730Find the Longest Semi-Repetitive SubstringMedium
2734Lexicographically Smallest String After Substring OperationMedium
2744Find Maximum Number of String PairsEasy
2746Decremental String ConcatenationMedium
2767Partition String Into Minimum Beautiful SubstringsMedium
2781Length of the Longest Valid SubstringHard
2785Sort Vowels in a StringMedium
2788Split Strings by SeparatorEasy
2800Shortest String That Contains Three StringsMedium
2801Count Stepping Numbers in RangeHard