646 | Maximum Length of Pair Chain | Medium |
649 | Dota2 Senate | Medium |
659 | Split Array into Consecutive Subsequences | Medium |
670 | Maximum Swap | Medium |
678 | Valid Parenthesis String | Medium |
680 | Valid Palindrome II | Easy |
714 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee | Medium |
738 | Monotone Increasing Digits | Medium |
757 | Set Intersection Size At Least Two | Hard |
763 | Partition Labels | Medium |
765 | Couples Holding Hands | Hard |
767 | Reorganize String | Medium |
768 | Max Chunks To Make Sorted II | Hard |
769 | Max Chunks To Make Sorted | Medium |
781 | Rabbits in Forest | Medium |
807 | Max Increase to Keep City Skyline | Medium |
826 | Most Profit Assigning Work | Medium |
846 | Hand of Straights | Medium |
857 | Minimum Cost to Hire K Workers | Hard |
860 | Lemonade Change | Easy |
861 | Score After Flipping Matrix | Medium |
870 | Advantage Shuffle | Medium |
871 | Minimum Number of Refueling Stops | Hard |
881 | Boats to Save People | Medium |
910 | Smallest Range II | Medium |
921 | Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid | Medium |
936 | Stamping The Sequence | Hard |
942 | DI String Match | Easy |
945 | Minimum Increment to Make Array Unique | Medium |
948 | Bag of Tokens | Medium |