2817Minimum Absolute Difference Between Elements With ConstraintMedium
2818Apply Operations to Maximize ScoreHard
2824Count Pairs Whose Sum is Less than TargetEasy
2825Make String a Subsequence Using Cyclic IncrementsMedium
2826Sorting Three GroupsMedium
2827Number of Beautiful Integers in the RangeHard
2828Check if a String Is an Acronym of WordsEasy
2829Determine the Minimum Sum of a k-avoiding ArrayMedium
2830Maximize the Profit as the SalesmanMedium
2831Find the Longest Equal SubarrayMedium
2833Furthest Point From OriginEasy
2834Find the Minimum Possible Sum of a Beautiful ArrayMedium
2835Minimum Operations to Form Subsequence With Target SumHard
2836Maximize Value of Function in a Ball Passing GameHard
2839Check if Strings Can be Made Equal With Operations IEasy
2840Check if Strings Can be Made Equal With Operations IIMedium
2841Maximum Sum of Almost Unique SubarrayMedium
2842Count K-Subsequences of a String With Maximum BeautyHard
2843Count Symmetric IntegersEasy
2844Minimum Operations to Make a Special NumberMedium
2845Count of Interesting SubarraysMedium
2846Minimum Edge Weight Equilibrium Queries in a TreeHard
2848Points That Intersect With CarsEasy
2849Determine if a Cell Is Reachable at a Given TimeMedium
2850Minimum Moves to Spread Stones Over GridMedium
2851String TransformationHard
2855Minimum Right Shifts to Sort the ArrayEasy
2856Minimum Array Length After Pair RemovalsMedium
2857Count Pairs of Points With Distance kMedium
2858Minimum Edge Reversals So Every Node Is ReachableHard