2401Longest Nice SubarrayMedium
2461Maximum Sum of Distinct Subarrays With Length KMedium
2516Take K of Each Character From Left and RightMedium
2528Maximize the Minimum Powered CityHard
2537Count the Number of Good SubarraysMedium
2555Maximize Win From Two SegmentsMedium
2653Sliding Subarray BeautyMedium
2730Find the Longest Semi-Repetitive SubstringMedium
2747Count Zero Request ServersMedium
2760Longest Even Odd Subarray With ThresholdEasy
2762Continuous SubarraysMedium
2779Maximum Beauty of an Array After Applying OperationMedium
2781Length of the Longest Valid SubstringHard
2799Count Complete Subarrays in an ArrayMedium