1114Print in OrderEasy
1122Relative Sort ArrayEasy
1128Number of Equivalent Domino PairsEasy
1137N-th Tribonacci NumberEasy
1141User Activity for the Past 30 Days IEasy
1148Article Views IEasy
1154Day of the YearEasy
1160Find Words That Can Be Formed by CharactersEasy
1175Prime ArrangementsEasy
1179Reformat Department TableEasy
1184Distance Between Bus StopsEasy
1185Day of the WeekEasy
1189Maximum Number of BalloonsEasy
1200Minimum Absolute DifferenceEasy
1207Unique Number of OccurrencesEasy
1217Minimum Cost to Move Chips to The Same PositionEasy
1221Split a String in Balanced StringsEasy
1232Check If It Is a Straight LineEasy
1252Cells with Odd Values in a MatrixEasy
1266Minimum Time Visiting All PointsEasy
1275Find Winner on a Tic Tac Toe GameEasy
1281Subtract the Product and Sum of Digits of an IntegerEasy
1287Element Appearing More Than 25% In Sorted ArrayEasy
1290Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to IntegerEasy
1299Replace Elements with Greatest Element on Right SideEasy
1304Find N Unique Integers Sum up to ZeroEasy
1309Decrypt String from Alphabet to Integer MappingEasy
1313Decompress Run-Length Encoded ListEasy
1317Convert Integer to the Sum of Two No-Zero IntegersEasy
1323Maximum 69 NumberEasy