2715. Timeout Cancellation

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      Given a function fn, an array of arguments args, and a timeout t in milliseconds, return a cancel function cancelFn.

      After a delay of tfn should be called with args passed as parameters unless cancelFn was invoked before the delay of t milliseconds elapses, specifically at cancelT ms. In that case, fn should never be called.

      Example 1:

      Input: fn = (x) => x * 5, args = [2], t = 20, cancelT = 50
      Output: [{"time": 20, "returned": 10}]
      const cancel = cancellable((x) => x * 5, [2], 20); // fn(2) called at t=20ms
      setTimeout(cancel, 50);
      The cancellation was scheduled to occur after a delay of cancelT (50ms), which happened after the execution of fn(2) at 20ms.

      Example 2:

      Input: fn = (x) => x**2, args = [2], t = 100, cancelT = 50
      Output: []
      const cancel = cancellable((x) => x**2, [2], 100); // fn(2) not called
      setTimeout(cancel, 50);
      The cancellation was scheduled to occur after a delay of cancelT (50ms), which happened before the execution of fn(2) at 100ms, resulting in fn(2) never being called.

      Example 3:

      Input: fn = (x1, x2) => x1 * x2, args = [2,4], t = 30, cancelT = 100
      Output: [{"time": 30, "returned": 8}]
      const cancel = cancellable((x1, x2) => x1 * x2, [2,4], 30); // fn(2,4) called at t=30ms
      setTimeout(cancel, 100);
      The cancellation was scheduled to occur after a delay of cancelT (100ms), which happened after the execution of fn(2,4) at 30ms.


      Solution (Javascript)

       * @param {Function} fn
       * @param {Array} args
       * @param {number} t
       * @return {Function}
      var cancellable = function (fn, args, t) {
        // call setTimeout, which is set to call fn after t amount of time
        var timeout = setTimeout(() => fn(...args), t);
        // define a clearTimeout
        var cancelFn = () => clearTimeout(timeout);
        // When/if we call the function, it will return cancelFn,
        // and since the return line calls (and consequentially executes)
        // cancelFn, timeout will be cancelled, thereby cancelling fn
        return cancelFn;
       *  const result = []
       *  const fn = (x) => x * 5
       *  const args = [2], t = 20, cancelT = 50
       *  const start = performance.now()
       *  const log = (...argsArr) => {
       *      const diff = Math.floor(performance.now() - start);
       *      result.push({"time": diff, "returned": fn(...argsArr))
       *  }
       *  const cancel = cancellable(log, args, t);
       *  const maxT = Math.max(t, cancelT)
       *  setTimeout(() => {
       *     cancel()
       *  }, cancelT)
       *  setTimeout(() => {
       *     console.log(result) // [{"time":20,"returned":10}]
       *  }, maxT + 15)


